January 2017 — Links of Love

Epiphany is a Biblical word, derived from the Greek, meaning “manifestation, appearing” and it is used in Paul’s epistles in reference to the coming of Christ. Epiphany subsequently became the name of a religious festival celebrated on January 6 by many Christians. Today, the word “epiphany” is also used to describe an experience of a sudden and striking realization – a moment when we gain an insight that leads to a dramatic shift in thought. During our quest for deeper spiritual understanding, an epiphany brings an awakening that leads us to experience immediate progress, or maybe even a U-turn in our lives. Such profound insights about the spiritual nature of God, man and the universe lead to new and deeper perspectives, and inevitably, healing. Mary Baker Eddy describes the sudden shift of thought and its effect: “This awakening is the forever coming of Christ, the advanced appearing of Truth, which casts out error and heals the sick” (Science and Health, p. 230:6-8).

As we begin this new year, we thought it important to consider these words in Mrs. Eddy’s definition of Year:

“One moment of divine consciousness, or the spiritual understanding of Life and Love, is a foretaste of eternity” (Science and Health p. 598:23-24).

We, at High Ridge House, endeavor to demonstrate moment by moment the spiritual understanding of Life and Love and offer this uplifted thought-atmosphere to our patients and guests. As we do this, we are able to bear witness to progress, renewal and regeneration.

It is our sincere desire and hope that you, too, can join us and demonstrate “one moment of divine consciousness” to see healing revealed in your corner of the world.

With love and joy,

Marivic B. Mabanag
Executive Director

Dearest Friends:

Our hearts are filled with gratitude to each of you who contributed towards our 2016 End of Year Appeal. Thanks to you we were able to meet our $25,000 Matching Challenge from a generous donor and we received even more!

Thanks to your gifts towards our General Fund and Benevolence Fund, our patients can focus solely on their prayers for healing.

Thanks to you, we can continue to provide Christian Science nursing services 24/7 in our facility and sometimes, in patients’ homes.

And thanks to you, our Christian Science nurses feel valued for the work they do daily, faithfully and most importantly, selflessly.

A Big Thank You for choosing High Ridge House as a recipient of your charitable giving.